Have the author join the
conversation when your book or school group discusses the
novel. Donna will chat by speakerphone with any book reading or school group that chooses Pope Joan.
Here’s your opportunity to ask questions of “the horse’s mouth”! Which
characters and events in the novel are real, and which are fictional? How was the novel
researched, and how is it being adapted to the silver screen?
Fill out the request form to take advantage
of this unusual offer. There is no cost involved -- simply a gathering of readers or students and a speakerphone
to make sure the entire group can share the experience. A discussion guide
is included in the book.
to Make a Request
for a Telephone Conversation with the Author
Your request for a
speakerphone chat with Donna can be made through the
Chat Request form.
Please use these
Chats can be scheduled day or evening until as late as 9:30 P.M. Eastern time
(6:30 P.M. Pacific time.)
You'll be asked to provide a choice of dates and times. The more dates you can provide, the easier it will be to
schedule a chat. The time you request should be 15-30 minutes after your group meeting
begins so everyone has some time to settle in
before joining Donna's call.
Leave a comment to let Donna know how you found out
about the book and why you chose it for your group. the more details you
can provide, the better Donna can tailor the experience to your
group's interests.
Chats are not limited
to the US. As long as it can be scheduled within the hours
listed above, Donna is happy to chat with readers in countries
all over the world.
make your request for a conversation, link here to the
chat request form.
Happens Next? Chat Details
Once you've made your request, Donna will be in touch with you,
usually within a week. Together you will determine the date and
time for the chat.
You will need access to a speaker telephone. Donna recommends giving it a trial run beforehand
by having someone in your group dial in to that phone from
Make sure that you can hear her clearly—and that she can hear you
from a good distance away.
Plan the call to come in 15-30 minutes after your group
gets together. At that point you will have begun your discussion
and Donna's
role will be to
answer those “horse’s mouth” questions!
At the appointed time, Donna will you For the
next 30 - 45 minutes, you'll all enjoy each other's company while
you discuss Pope Joan, its inspirational heroine, the meaning
of her story for our modern world, the author's research, and details of
the movie now in production.
It’s as easy as that!
Click here to schedule a chat for your
reading group.
